Good Luck Plants

Plants have long been heralded for more than just their greenery – they’re believed to bring luck, prosperity, and positive energy into our lives. From the comfort of indoor spaces to the bustling energy of office environments, certain plants have been cherished for their supposed ability to attract good fortune.

Today we dive into the vibrant realm of good luck plants, uncovering a variety of species destined to thrive in different settings. Whether you seek a touch of luck for your home, garden, or gambling space these plants promise more than mere aesthetics – they offer the possibility of enhanced fortune and well-being.

Join us as we uncover the secrets of these green companions and discover the charm they bring to our everyday spaces.

Indoor lucky plants

Indoor lucky plants

Adding a touch of green to your indoor environment does more than just beautify – it invites luck and positivity into your home. Embracing indoor lucky plants isn’t just about decoration; it’s about welcoming good vibes and a refreshed atmosphere.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

This resilient plant not only soothes skin but also attracts good fortune. Its ability to thrive with minimal care makes it a perfect addition to any indoor space.

Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo

As its name suggests, this plant symbolizes good luck and prosperity. Placed in water, it thrives and brings an air of positivity to its surroundings.

Money plant

Money plant

Known for its auspicious qualities, the money plant is believed to bring wealth and prosperity. Its cascading vines make it an aesthetically pleasing addition to any room.

Snake plant

Snake plant

Renowned for purifying indoor air, the snake plant also brings luck and resilience. Its striking appearance adds a touch of elegance to your space.

Indoor lucky plants not only enliven your space but also offer a sense of well-being and positivity. Choose the ones that you like the most and let their presence fill your home with good fortune.

Office-friendly good luck plants

Office-friendly good luck plants

Bringing luck into your office isn’t just a matter of productivity. Office-friendly good luck plants offer a natural touch amidst the work hustle, bringing a sense of calm and prosperity.

Peace lily

Peace lily

Known for its air-purifying qualities, the peace lily also symbolizes tranquility and harmony. Its elegant white blooms add a serene touch to any desk or office corner.

Lucky pothos

Lucky pothos

This resilient vine thrives in various light conditions and is believed to bring good luck and positive energy. Its trailing vines make it a perfect hanging plant for office spaces.

Jade plant

Jade plant

The jade plant symbolizes wealth and success. Its succulent leaves and easy-care nature make it a popular choice for office settings.

Spider plant

Spider plant

Renowned for its ability to clean indoor air, the spider plant also embodies resilience and good fortune. Its arching leaves create a visually appealing display.

Incorporating these office good luck plants not only adds a touch of nature but also fosters a more positive and prosperous work environment. Choose the ones that resonate with your office space, and let their presence bring a dash of good fortune to your workdays.

Lucky plants for home

Lucky plants for home

Transforming your home into a sanctuary of luck and prosperity goes beyond mere décor. It involves incorporating specific plants believed to attract good fortune and positive energy. Lucky plants for your home create a harmonious ambiance and elevate the overall atmosphere.

Rubber plant

Rubber plant

With its large, glossy leaves, the rubber plant symbolizes abundance and resilience. Placing it in a prominent spot enhances the home’s prosperity vibes.

Boston fern

Boston fern

Known for its air-purifying properties, the Boston fern also embodies rejuvenation and good luck. Its lush, feathery fronds bring a refreshing energy to your living space.



Revered for its beauty and elegance, the orchid signifies love, luxury, and fertility. Displaying orchids at home not only adds a touch of sophistication but also invites good fortune.

Chinese evergreen

Chinese evergreen

Resilient and adaptable, the Chinese evergreen symbolizes longevity and prosperity. Its variegated leaves bring a sense of peace and prosperity to any room.

Introducing these lucky plants into your home is about infusing your living space with positivity and auspicious energies. Choose the plants that match your home environment and embrace the luck they promise.

Outdoor plants for good luck

Outdoor plants for good luck

Extending luck and positivity beyond indoor settings involves embracing specific outdoor plants believed to bring good fortune and prosperity. Outdoor plants for good luck not only beautify your garden but also infuse it with positive energies.



This aromatic herb isn’t just for culinary use – it’s also associated with memory enhancement and good luck. Planting rosemary in your garden is believed to bring blessings and positivity.



Known for its soothing fragrance and calming properties, lavender is associated with peace, happiness, and luck. Cultivating lavender in your outdoor space invites tranquility and positive vibes.



Symbolizing love, happiness, and good fortune, honeysuckle vines bring sweetness and positivity to your garden. Their fragrant blooms attract luck and joy.



Apart from its calming effects, chamomile is believed to attract good luck and prosperity. Cultivating chamomile in your garden brings serenity and positive energy.

Incorporating these outdoor plants for good luck isn’t just about gardening – it’s about cultivating a space filled with positive energies and blessings. Choose the plants that resonate with your outdoor area and invite the luck and joy they promise into your garden.

Feng Shui principles for plants

Feng Shui principles for plants

In Feng Shui, plants are the tools to invite positive energy and balance into your surroundings. Understanding these principles can help align your home or workspace for optimal harmony and well-being.

Placement matters: Position plants strategically to balance energies. Place larger species in corners to anchor energy, while smaller ones can be arranged to encourage the flow of positive chi.

Choose wisely: Select good luck plants that combine with Feng Shui principles. Plants with rounded leaves, like the jade plant, symbolize wealth, while bamboo represents resilience and luck.

Balance elements: Incorporate the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water – through plant choices. Wood elements include vibrant greens, while flowers symbolize fire.

Cleanliness is key: Keep plants healthy and free of dead leaves to maintain positive energy. Regularly dust and clean around to encourage unobstructed energy flow.

Mindful arrangement: Avoid overcrowding plants; give them space to grow and breathe. Clutter-free areas create a harmonious environment.

Personal energy: Infuse plants with positive intentions. Nurture them with care and positivity, enhancing their energy and the energy they bring to your space.

Understanding and applying these Feng Shui principles to your plant selection and arrangement can promote a balanced, positive atmosphere in your home or workspace. By incorporating these practices, you can create spaces that support harmony, vitality, and prosperity.

How to choose the right good luck plant for you

How to choose the right good luck plant for you

Selecting the right plant for good luck is about finding one that matches you and your space. Consider these simple steps to discover the perfect lucky plant.

Understand your space

Assess the light, temperature, and available space. Some lucky plants thrive in bright light, while others prefer shade. Ensure your chosen plant suits your environment.

Reflect on your needs

Think about the energy or qualities you wish to invite. Whether it’s prosperity, peace, or resilience, different plants symbolize various attributes.

Research plant symbolism

Investigate the meanings behind different plants. For instance, some represent wealth, luck, or love. Choose a plant whose symbolism aligns with your aspirations.

Consider maintenance

Evaluate your commitment level. Some plants require more care than others. Pick one that fits your lifestyle and care routine.

Trust your intuition

Sometimes, it’s simply about what feels right. If a particular plant catches your eye and resonates with you, trust that instinct.

Consult experts

Seek advice from garden centers or enthusiasts. They can offer insights into suitable plants for good luck based on your preferences and environment.

Experiment and adapt

Don’t be afraid to try different plants. If one doesn’t thrive, adapt and try another. It’s all about finding the perfect match.

Choosing a good luck plant isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor – it’s a personal journey. By considering your space, preferences, and symbolism, you can find the ideal green companion that brings luck and positivity into your life.

Lucky plants for each zodiac sign

Lucky plants for each zodiac sign

Here are some plants believed to bring luck for each zodiac sign:

♈ Aries: Cactus


Aries, known for their fiery energy, may find luck with the thorny but resilient cactus. Its independence and endurance match Aries’ bold nature.

♉ Taurus: Rose


Taurus, appreciative of beauty and luxury, may find luck with the rose plant. Symbolizing love and passion, it resonates with Taurus’ sensuous side.

♊ Gemini: Lavender


Gemini, with their adaptable and curious nature, might find luck with lavender. Its calming influence balances Gemini’s dual personalities.

♋ Cancer: Peace lily

Peace lily

Cancer, nurturing and sensitive, may connect with the peace lily. Its ability to purify air resonates with Cancer’s caring instincts.

♌ Leo: Sunflower


Leo, vibrant and confident, might find luck with sunflowers. These bright, bold flowers mirror Leo’s radiant personality.

♍ Virgo: Snake plant

Snake plant

Virgo, practical and detail-oriented, may thrive with the snake plant. Its low-maintenance nature suits Virgo’s preference for simplicity.

♎ Libra: Jade plant

Jade plant

Libra, seeking balance and harmony, may find luck with the jade plant. Symbolizing prosperity, it aligns with Libra’s desire for equilibrium.

♏ Scorpio: Red geranium

Red geranium

Scorpio, passionate and intense, might resonate with the red geranium. Its vibrant hue matches Scorpio’s fervent emotions.

♐ Sagittarius: Bamboo


Sagittarius, adventurous and optimistic, may connect with the lucky bamboo. Its flexibility and resilience suit Sagittarius’ free-spirited nature.

♑ Capricorn: Money plant

Money plant

Capricorn, ambitious and disciplined, might find luck with the money plant. Symbolizing wealth, it aligns with Capricorn’s drive for success.

♒ Aquarius: Orchid


Aquarius, innovative and independent, may thrive with the orchid. Its unique beauty mirrors Aquarius’ non-conformist approach.

♓ Pisces: Peace plant

Peace plant

Pisces, intuitive and compassionate, might connect with the peace plant. Its calming presence resonates with Pisces’ gentle nature.

While these good luck plants are associated with specific zodiac signs, personal preference and intuition play significant roles in choosing the ideal plant. Embrace the essence of your sign and the energy of these species to invite luck and positivity into your life.

Caring for your luck-bringing plants

Caring for your luck-bringing plants

Caring for plants that bring good luck goes beyond watering – it’s about nurturing their well-being to maintain their positive energy. Follow these simple steps to ensure your plants thrive:

Light and placement: Understand your plant’s light needs. Some prefer bright, indirect sunlight, while others thrive in shade. Place them where they receive optimal light for their growth.

Watering routine: Know your plant’s watering requirements. Overwatering or underwatering can affect their vitality. Ensure the soil is moist but not waterlogged, and adjust watering according to seasonal changes.

Proper drainage: Ensure your planters have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Excess water can lead to root rot, affecting your plant’s health.

Appropriate fertilization: Feed your plants with appropriate fertilizer. Some need monthly feeding, while others thrive without frequent fertilization. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging.

Pruning and grooming: Trim dead leaves and spent flowers regularly. Pruning promotes new growth and keeps your plant healthy and vibrant.

Pest and disease management: Monitor for pests and diseases. Treat them promptly with natural remedies or appropriate treatments to prevent them from spreading and affecting your plant’s health.

Humidity and environment: Some plants thrive in humid environments. Mist your good luck plants occasionally or place a humidifier nearby to maintain appropriate moisture levels.

Rotation and careful handling: Rotate your plants occasionally to ensure even growth. Handle them with care to avoid damaging leaves or stems.

Observation and adjustment: Pay attention to your plant’s behavior. Adjust care routines based on how they respond to environmental changes or care practices.

Nurturing your luck-bringing plants is a practice that fosters a deep connection with nature and positive energies. By providing them with proper care and attention, you ensure they continue to bring luck and vitality into your life.

Favorite good luck plants of celebrities

Favorite good luck plants of celebrities

Celebrities often have unique tastes, and their choices in plants for luck and positivity are no exception. Here are some favorite lucky plants embraced by famous personalities:

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

Peace lily: Known for its air-purifying qualities, the peace lily is a favorite of Jennifer Aniston. This plant not only cleanses the air but also brings a serene energy to her space.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

Money tree: Oprah Winfrey reportedly adores the money tree plant for its symbolism of prosperity and fortune. Its braided trunk and lush foliage make it a statement piece in her home.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow

Jade plant: Gwyneth Paltrow appreciates the jade plant for its association with wealth and success. Its vibrant green leaves align with her penchant for natural living.

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore

Snake plant: Drew Barrymore favors the snake plant for its air-purifying abilities and resilient nature. Its upright, sword-like leaves bring a sense of vitality to her surroundings.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Orchids: Katy Perry adorns her space with orchids, known for their elegance and symbolism of love and luxury. Their vibrant blooms add a touch of sophistication to her environment.

Emma Watson

Emma Watson

Aloe vera: Emma Watson reportedly loves the aloe vera plant for its healing properties and association with luck. Its soothing gel and easy care fit her natural and holistic lifestyle.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Bamboo: Leonardo DiCaprio is said to appreciate the lucky bamboo plant for its symbolism of growth and resilience. Its ability to thrive in various conditions aligns with his environmental advocacy.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez

Echeveria: Selena Gomez has expressed her fondness for succulents, particularly the Echeveria. These lucky plants symbolize resilience and strength, traits she often shares with her fans.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Ferns: Dwayne Johnson, known for his energetic persona, is a fan of ferns. Ferns represent growth and endurance, mirroring his relentless pursuit of success.



Fiddle leaf fig: Beyoncé reportedly adores the fiddle leaf fig for its striking appearance and association with abundance. Its broad, glossy leaves make a bold statement in her home.

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon

Anthurium: Reese Witherspoon finds joy in the vibrant blooms of anthurium plants. These flowers symbolize hospitality and happiness, reflecting her welcoming personality.

Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen

Monstera Deliciosa: Chrissy Teigen loves the Monstera Deliciosa for its unique foliage and representation of new beginnings. Its leaf splits symbolize the beauty of imperfection, resonating with her candid nature.

Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake

Areca Palm: Justin Timberlake appreciates the tropical vibes of the Areca Palm. Its lush, feathery fronds evoke a relaxed and beachy atmosphere, perfect for his downtime.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Lavender: Taylor Swift is known for her love of lavender plants. Lavender’s calming scent and association with tranquility align with her penchant for serenity and peace.

Celebrities, like many of us, find inspiration and positivity in specific good luck plants. Embracing these green companions isn’t just about luck – it’s about connecting with nature and fostering a sense of well-being in their spaces, just like anyone else.

Bad luck plants to avoid

Bad luck plants to avoid

While plants often bring positivity, some are associated with negative energies or superstitions. Avoiding certain plants believed to attract bad luck can help maintain a harmonious environment.

Cacti with sharp thorns

Cacti with sharp thorns

Some believe that the sharp thorns of cacti can create negative energy in a space. While admired for resilience, they’re associated with unwanted vibes.

Dead or dying plants

Dead or dying plants

Keeping plants that are unhealthy, dying, or already dead may symbolize stagnation or loss. Removing these plants is advised to maintain a positive ambiance.

Milfoil (Yarrow)

Milfoil (Yarrow)

In folklore, milfoil is linked with negative forces and should be avoided indoors. It’s believed to attract unwanted spirits or energy.

Bonsai trees

Bonsai trees

Though revered for their beauty, bonsai trees can be seen as stunted growth. In some beliefs, this stunted growth symbolizes restricted progress or stagnation.



Associated with mourning in some cultures, cypress trees can evoke feelings of sadness or sorrow. They’re often avoided in residential spaces for this reason.

Lavender near entryways

Lavender near entryways

While lavender is generally positive, placing it near the entrance might invite unwanted guests, as folklore suggests it may invite spirits.

Unwanted weeds

Unwanted weeds

Weeds, considered invasive or unwanted, may symbolize chaos or disruption. Regularly removing them from your garden helps maintain a more orderly space.

Dried flowers

Dried flowers

Dried flowers, while used decoratively, might symbolize stagnation or the passing of time. It’s advised to replace them occasionally for fresh energy.

Being mindful of the plants you bring into your space is essential. While these beliefs vary and may not resonate with everyone, avoiding certain plants associated with negative energy is a way to cultivate a more positive and harmonious environment.